Using Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc. Facilitated Planning Approach™
US Forest Service
Multiple Environmental Assessments/Categorical Exclusions
Recreation trail management and strategies, watershed management, and forest health management, Uwharrie National Forest, NC. 2018-present
Environmental Assessments
Proposed Late-Successional Forest, Elk, and Spotted Owl Management in the Sevenmile and Sheep Subwatersheds (Programmatic/Site-Specific Timber Sale), Willamette National Forest. 1995
Foster Timber Sale, Sierra National Forest. 1997
Diagnostic Analysis of Interdisciplinary Team Functions for Sierra National Forest. 1997
Proposed H.B. Salvage Sale, Gila National Forest. 1995
US Geological Survey, Washington, Oregon, California
Strategies for NEPA and FS Permitting (Partnered with Pathway Consulting Service, LLC)
Strategies for NEPA and FS Permitting for Volcano and Earthquake Monitoring Stations on National Forest System Lands: Strategy and Memoranda of Agreement for Obtaining Land Use Authorizations. 2015 - 2017
USDA Rural Utilities Service
Programmatic Environmental Assessment, nationwide and US Territories and Commonwealths (Partnered with Pathway Consulting Service, LLC)
Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Issuing Grants for Deploying Broadband to Rural Areas Nationwide and in US Territories and Commonwealths. 2014
Program Executive Office Theater Surface Combatant PMS400 and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
Environmental Assessments
Upgraded AEGIS Combat System Including the AN/SPY-1D (V) Radar and Support Tower, Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Island. VA, 1999
Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) Land-Based Test Sites Construction and Operation, Virginia and Maryland. 1999
West Coast Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) Land-Based Test Site, Point Loma Naval Complex, CA. 2001
Construction and Operation of the Prototype High Power Discrimination (HPD-X) Radar, Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauai, Hawai'i. Program cancelled immediately prior to FONSI approval.
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico
Environmental Assessments and INRMPs
Programmatic/Site Specific Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for Ground-Based Field Exercises/Training at Holloman AFB, NM. 1998
Supplement to Programmatic/Site Specific Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for Ground-Based Field Exercises/Training at Holloman AFB, NM. 2008
Baseline Analysis for Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP), Holloman AFB, NM. 1997
Natural Resources Working Group Analyses and Mitigating Actions for Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan, Holloman AFB, NM. 1998-2000
Programmatic/Site-Specific Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for Operations of the High Speed Test Track at Holloman AFB, NM. 2008
The Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and its associated Programmatic Environmental Assessment, Holloman AFB, NM. 2000
Holloman Air Force Base Wildlife and Prescribed Fire Management Plan. 2007
Programmatic/Site-Specific Environmental Assessment and Management Plan for Operations of the High Speed Test Track at Holloman AFB, NM. 2008
The Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Programmatic and its associated Environmental Assessment, Holloman AFB, NM. 2010.
Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan, Holloman AFB, NM, 2015
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Environmental Impact Statement/CEQA Environmental Impact Report
Facilitate the initiation of the EIS/CEQA EIR for Platform Hogan, Carpentaria Offshore Oil Field, Santa Barbara, California. 2012
Iowa Department of Transportation
Categorical Exclusions
Strategy, quality control, and oversight for Stanley Consulting, Mississippi Drive Reconstruction. 2012
Strategy, quality control, and oversight for Stanley Consulting, Mississippi River Recreational Trail. 201.
Strategy, quality control, and oversight for FHU Engineering, Hoeven Valley Viaduct. 2014
US Navy Major Weapons System Acquisition Programs
NEPA/E.O. 12114 Coordinator for Team Submarine NEPA/E.O. 12114 Activities
For Team Submarine, the Navy submarine major weapons acquisition program, support and review a variety of policy statement support documents, prepare, review, and comment on documents prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act and Executive Order 12114 for Actions Abroad, including complicated documents for submarine test and evaluation actions in the marine environment, legislative, judicial, and policy analyses. 1995-2007.
USDA Rural Development
Environmental Assessments
Plantersville Community Sewer Project, Plantersville, South Carolina. 2010
Goodby’s Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and Associated Pipelines, Orangeburg County, South Carolina. 2011
Jefferson County Regional Biomass Plant for Community Economic Development, Jefferson County, GA. 2014. Project cancelled by proponent after Draft EA completed.
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Programmatic Environmental Assessment
Draft Eradication of Invasive Rats on Refuge Islands in the Aleutian Islands Unit of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife
Pacific Islands Regional Office, Hawaii
Environmental Assessments
Invasive Rodent Eradication on Mokapu Island, Hawaii, 2008.
Supplemental EA Hand and Aerial Broadcast of Rodenticide on Lehua Island, Hawaii. 2008
US Army Corps of Engineers
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/CEQA Supplemental EIR
Strategy, quality control and oversight, conducting and drafting analyses, including cumulative impact analyses: SEIS/SEIR Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel Dredging, DSEIS/DSEIR 2010-2012
South Carolina Federal Highway Administration
Environmental Impact Statements
US Interstate I-73 Connecting I-95 to the Myrtle Beach Area, South Carolina. Strategy, direct, indirect, and cumulative impact strategies and analyses; Reader-friendly format. 2008
US Interstate I-73 Connecting I-95 to the North Carolina Border. Direct, indirect, and cumulative impact strategies and analyses; Reader-friendly format. 2008
Southern Evacuation Life Line Highway (SELL), Southeastern South Carolina. Direct, indirect, and cumulative impact strategies, analyses, and overall planning; Reader-friendly format. Draft EIS, 2008
Tucson Electric Power/US Forest Service (Partnered with Pathway Consulting Service, LLC)
Environmental Assessment Strategy
Strategy, quality control and draft NEPA document revision for Tucson Electric Power, proponent (Integrated Planning and Review™): Transmission Vegetation Management and Facilities Maintenance Program Quemado, Reserve, and Glenwood Ranger Districts, Gila National Forest Catron County, New Mexico, and Clifton Ranger District, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Greenlee County, Arizona; partnered with Pathway Consulting Service, LLC. 2012-2013.
NOAA Fisheries National Marine Fisheries Service
Cumulative Impact Analysis Baseline for the State of Hawaii
Compiled, reviewed, summarized, and conducted analysis on all EISs, EAs, Biological Opinions, Endangered Species Recovery Plans for terrestrial and marine actions and programs in the North Pacific potentially impacting marine resources. 2012
Programmatic Environmental Assessments
Southeast Regional Office Federal Financial Assistance and Special Permits. 2011
Threatened and Endangered Sea Turtle Research Program for the Pacific Ocean Stocks at the Pacific Islands Fishery Science Center, Honolulu. 2006
Research Programs on Spiny and Slipper Lobster, Bottomfish, and Deepwater Shrimp at the Pacific Islands Fishery Science Center, Honolulu. 2007
Research Program for Expansion of Hawaiian Monk Seal Research for Enhancement of Recovery at the Pacific Island Fishery Science Center, Honolulu. Deferred
Research Program for Elasmobranch Bycatch Reduction in Domestic and International Longline Fisheries at the Pacific Islands Fishery Science Center, Honolulu. 2009
Research Program for Reducing Sea Turtle Bycatch in Domestic and International Pelagic Longline Fisheries at the Pacific Islands Fishery Science Center, Honolulu. 2009
Research Program for Decreasing or Eliminating Predation of Hawaiian Monk Seal Pups by Sharks in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. 2009.
Ecosystem Activities Conducted by the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, Pacific Island Fishery Science Center, Honolulu. 2010
Hawaii Sustainable Fisheries Development Project at the Oceanic Institute, Years 2011-2016. 201. Draft PEA, Deferred, lack of project funding.
Initiation of the EA/EIS for Managing Commercial Marine Mammal Touring Impacts on Marine Mammals (Spinner Dolphins) in Hawaiian Waters. 2006
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
Livestock Grazing and Prairie Dog Management for the Rosebud and Cheyenne River Lakota Sioux Reservations, South Dakota. 1994
U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range
Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and Programmatic NEPA
White Sands Missile Range Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) planning. 2001
Programmatic Environmental Assessment for White Sands Missile Range Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan. 2001
Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota
Environmental Assessments, INRMP, and DOPAAs
Programmatic/Site Specific Environmental Assessment for Building and Pavement Demolition and Excess/Surplus Actions, Present and Future. 1998
Environmental Assessment for Use of Ellsworth AFB by Rapid City Regional Airport. 1996
Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Use of Ellsworth AFB by the US Forest Service for Firefighting Aircraft. 1996
Programmatic/Site Specific Environmental Assessment for Deer-Aircraft Aircraft Strike Hazards. 1997
Environmental Assessment for an Air-Mix Propane Plant for Ellsworth AFB, 1997
USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
Environmental Assessments
Predator Damage Management, Oregon. ongoing
Wildlife Damage Management in the Roseburg ADC District in Southwestern Oregon (programmatic). 1995
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Reducing Damage Caused by Blackbirds to Commercial Sunflower Crops in North and South Dakota (programmatic). Deferred at applicant’s request 2004
Strategy and NEPA / CEQA Specialist
Providing strategy and guidance and joint ELS / EIR for predator management in California. 2017 - Present
In partnership with Pathway Consulting Service, LLC, Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc specializes in the planning, environmental review, and permitting of projects requiring use of federal land, such as infrastructure energy, broadband, transportation projects, and other projects. Please see www.lee-cunninghamipr.com.
Led National Forest Team of 14 specialists in the development of a complex multi-year timber sale and natural resource management plan meeting multiple objectives using silvicultural prescriptions for timber outputs, creating old growth forest conditions, and spotted owl and elk winter habitat. The integrated planning principles developed and implemented by the team facilitated by Judith enabled the team to focus issues, meet specific objectives, and create unique timber stand silvicultural prescriptions that provided continuous timber output for multiple years.
In less than a year and a half, initiated, drafted, and published for public comment a programmatic EA (PEA) for USDA for funding of broadband and wireless internet infrastructure to rural underserved areas nationwide. The PEA provides impact analyses for all broadband and wireless technologies, including an analysis of EMF, incorporates mitigation, and provides resources for agency applicants for understanding federal agency NEPA and permitting regulations and processes, cultural resource consultation, availability of useful databases and guidance for tiering project-level NEPA to the PEA. We also conducted extensive telephone and on-site surveys of broadband applicants, consultants, and industry representatives, and federal agency consultation and permitting personnel to understand the obstacles involved in efficient approval, consultations, and permitting of broadband projects for rural areas.
After 5 years of effort to control wild deer within the airfield interfering with mission-critical aircraft operations and creating dangerous conditions at a major Air Force Base, Facilitated Planning Approach™ and Informed Facilitation™ over four months engaged needed airfield operations and safety personnel to develop permanent solutions using an adaptive management approach that met all legal (NEPA) and long-term operational requirements. The Base operational and safety personnel who worked on the EA won recognition by the Base Commander for outstanding performance.
Two adjacent Indian Reservations received considerable federal funding to control prairie dogs to benefit livestock grazing. Through the Facilitated Planning Approach™, a detailed environmental review demonstrated the most cost effective and environmentally sound means for meeting Tribal economic objectives was for prairie dogs and improved livestock grazing management to coexist. The integrated planning analyses enabled each Tribal government to act and meet all legal requirements.
The Facilitated Planning Approach™ enabled Holloman Air Force Base staff to integrate the training and testing requirements for over 20 base operations to create the first ball wide comprehensive base operations and management plan. In addition to completing the work on time and within budget, the plan guided environmentally sound base operations coordinated among military and civilian base operations. This was integrated into the base Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP), simultaneously facilitated by Judith Lee.
For over a decade, several minority low-income com in the Low Country of South Carolina endured failing on-site septic systems. Requests for development grants met opposition from landowners fearful that an improved sanitation system would induce unwanted growth and adversely affect property valuation. Through Informed Facilitation™, staff of the Georgetown Water and Sewer District developed all necessary reviews and public involvement within three weeks, firmly demonstrating the extreme need for project and lack of negative impacts, overcoming strong resistance from a well-funded few opponents. The USDA Rural Development granted project improvements, for residence community buildings, and schools.
Partnering with project managers at a California District of the Army Corps of Engineers, assisted with developing and implementing strategic planning for a major EIS for a channel deepening in an extremely sensitive watershed with providing critical water for agriculture and endangered species. Through consistent analytic review and integration of many reports and drafts of the EIS, focusing the analysis on project-specific cause-and-effect relationships, and conducting a detailed analysis of the need for the action, the Corps was able to ultimately defer the proposed action based on lack of demonstrated need and potentially unacceptable impacts to water quality, water availability, and endangered species.
Using the Facilitated Planning Approach™ and Informed Facilitation™ intensively, repeatedly facilitated subject matter professionals at the National Marine Fisheries Service Fisheries Science Center through analysis and concurrent programmatic NEPA documentation for seven research programs, including fisheries bycatch management, endangered species recovery, reaching 75%-90% completion of programmatic EAs in one week each.
EPS ''Dialogue of Understanding: Creating a Common Language'' workshops, facilitated improved relationships and increased understanding of challenges and decision making processes with the US Army Corps of Engineers, several State DOTs, US Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Marine Fisheries Service, and US State Department