Conflict transformation identifies the root of the conflict and alters the fundamental causes of conflict to achieve long-term resolution through positive and innovative shifts in perception and processes.
Conflict Resolution is not based on positions, negotiations, or documentation.
Lasting resolution rests on the underlying needs, issues, and common desires for a better community and environment for our children and for ourselves.

Judith applies her extensive experience and skillful adaptation of Informed Facilitation™ and the Facilitated Planning Approach™ to help everyone work together to identify and resolve the underlying issues and conflict and find points of agreement by ‘backing it up’ and re-framing the conflict to an earlier time, nurturing a common understanding and language to find points of agreement among those in disagreement Consulting
When agencies have a history of rocky relationships, Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc. is called to facilitate the workshop entitled A Dialogue of Understanding: Creating a Common Language, which systematically leads participants through an improved understanding of missions, planning processes, legal and NEPA requirements, and challenges facing each agency and organization, providing a common language and clear understandings as the basis for more positive, long-term relationships Workshops
Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc Facilitated Planning Approach™ using Informed Facilitation™ has eliminated and continues to reduce the risk of conflict for many controversial projects and programs, with no litigation to date Accomplishments