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7. Developing and Implementing Effective NEPA and Other Project and Program Planning Strategies

Preparation and 5 days on-site, plus opportunity for additional consulting support

  • This highly consultative and tailored workshop uses Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc.'s proven NEPA Facilitated Planning Approach™, including Informed Facilitation™, to guide the interdisciplinary planning team through a specific NEPA or planning effort

  • The interdisciplinary team is facilitated through the highly efficient systematic planning effort by the Informed Facilitator, who is part of the team while simultaneously moving the process forward and documenting the analysis as it progresses

  • Depending on the complexity of the planning processes and issues and level of information, data, and analysis available during the on-site session, the Informed Facilitator, Judith Lee, guides the team through initiating planning (underlying need, objectives, and decision(s) to be made), describing the proposed action, developing cause-and-effect relationships for each issue, and, at a minimum, developing reasonable alternatives based on the cause-and-effect relationships. If possible, impact analyses will be initiated

  • Judith Lee becomes informed on the issues and science before coming on site to work with the team (Informed Facilitation™) and assists in scoping the complexity of and strategy for the planning and documentation effort

Judith Lee
Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc.
4621 Kelling St
Davenport, IA 52806
563-332-6870 cell: 563-505-4997


Robert Cunningham

Pathway Consulting Service, LLC
15269 Surrey House Way
Centreville, VA 20120



GS-10F-0046R 899-1 and 899-3

Economically Disadvantaged

Woman-Owned Small

Business Certified, Iowa DBE.

Better Business Bureau Accredited

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