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4. Conducting Powerful NEPA Cumulative Impact Analyses for Planners and NEPA Practitioners   3 Days

  •  Learn the role that cumulative impacts play within overall project or program planning and decision making

  •  Develop, analyze and apply cause-and-effect relationships using a practical and interdisciplinary process for:

  • identifying direct and indirect effects and how they contribute to cumulative impacts for each resource and issue

  • identifying effects related to induced growth and their relationship to cumulative effects

  • selecting and describing the appropriate baseline for each cumulative impact analysis in time and space (temporal and geographic scope)

  • incorporating past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions into the cause-and-effect relationships for both baseline and alternatives

  • recognizing and integrating all appropriate connected and cumulative actions into the cause-and-effect relationships as the basis for identifying and developing reasonable alternatives for meeting the need


  • Using the Facilitated Planning Approach™, including the CEQ regulations, CEQ and EPA cumulative impact guidance, court decisions and precedents, and effective impact analysis tools and processes, integrate direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts into the systematic integrated planning process for informed decision making

  • Experience training tailored to your beginner and advanced planners and NEPA practitioners, attorneys, and managers, and can be effectively used to improve interdisciplinary working relationships within the agency and with cooperating and commenting agencies

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