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2. Powerful NEPA Document Review under Section 309 of the Clean Air Act for the EPA 3 Days

  • Learn and apply Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc.’s proven and effective “10-Step Process for Analytic Review of EISs/EAs” based on the Facilitated Planning Approach™

  • Apply the "10-Step" Process to actual EISs submitted to your EPA Region for evaluating the adequacy of analysis and severity of environmental impacts compliant with EPA policy guidance

  • Practice reviewing skills for identifying, retrieving, and categorizing key information needed for recognizing and understanding the strengths and holes in the analysis

  • Eliminate the “fluff” of needless detail in long and unfocused documents and drill down into the truly analytic information and data

  • Learn how to compile interrelated data and information to readily conduct interdisciplinary analysis on the information and evaluate available and lacking information necessary for quality and informed decision making

  • Understand the agency decision making regulations, and the politics, conflicts, and unwritten precedents and pressures underlying the alternatives and analyses

  • Focus and prioritize your comments on truly important analytic lapses and inadequacies relevant to planning, environmental, and political issues, policies, and precedent, while also identifying document and analysis strong points

  • Experience training tailored to your beginner and advanced reviewers, attorneys, and managers, and to your client agencies and their issues

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