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2. Powerful NEPA Document Review under Section 309 of the Clean Air Act for the EPA 3 Days

  • Learn and apply Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc.’s proven and effective “10-Step Process for Analytic Review of EISs/EAs” based on the Facilitated Planning Approach™

  • Apply the "10-Step" Process to actual EISs submitted to your EPA Region for evaluating the adequacy of analysis and severity of environmental impacts compliant with EPA policy guidance

  • Practice reviewing skills for identifying, retrieving, and categorizing key information needed for recognizing and understanding the strengths and holes in the analysis

  • Eliminate the “fluff” of needless detail in long and unfocused documents and drill down into the truly analytic information and data

  • Learn how to compile interrelated data and information to readily conduct interdisciplinary analysis on the information and evaluate available and lacking information necessary for quality and informed decision making

  • Understand the agency decision making regulations, and the politics, conflicts, and unwritten precedents and pressures underlying the alternatives and analyses

  • Focus and prioritize your comments on truly important analytic lapses and inadequacies relevant to planning, environmental, and political issues, policies, and precedent, while also identifying document and analysis strong points

  • Experience training tailored to your beginner and advanced reviewers, attorneys, and managers, and to your client agencies and their issues

Judith Lee
Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc.
4621 Kelling St
Davenport, IA 52806
563-332-6870 cell: 563-505-4997


Robert Cunningham

Pathway Consulting Service, LLC
15269 Surrey House Way
Centreville, VA 20120



GS-10F-0046R 899-1 and 899-3

Economically Disadvantaged

Woman-Owned Small

Business Certified, Iowa DBE.

Better Business Bureau Accredited

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